Conservation Trees
- Conservation Grade Seedlings are offered for sale annually to SERCD residents.You must reside with the SER Conservation District. Please contact Garrett Pantle@gmail.com for assistance and species availability before ordering.
- Cost Share available for conservation tree plantings. Landowner must live on 5+ acres to apply. Cost Share components include: site prep, planting, weed barrier, drip system and tree protectors. Fencing may also be included.
- Living Snowfence: These plantings help to protect roadways from drifting snow. Private lands may qualify with landowner permission.
For further information contact Garrett Pantle, Resource Specialist: garrettpantle@gmail.com

Tire Tank Sales
- Tanks are available for purchase by private landowners.
- Wildlife escape ramps are available at no cost to all producers who have installed tanks.
- Tanks are also available for NRCS cost share programs and other partner agencies.
For further information contact Garrett Pantle, Resource Specialist: garrettpantle@gmail.com

Natural Resource Education
- Classroom presentations, Zoom lessons, and hands-on activities throughout each school year to CCSD#1 and #2 students, Boys and Girls Club of Carbon County, area home-school groups and other community organizations. Lessons at camps and other venues are available upon request.
- Ag Bookmark Contest, Ag Day CCSD#2, Carbon County Ag Expo, Carbon County Fair.
- Lead Educator for Staddle Camp attended by Chicago area middle school students each summer.
- Presentations, lessons, materials and supplies available.
For further information contact Leanne Correll, Education/NEPA Coordinator: leannecorrell@gmail.com

- Annual planning with partner agencies to identify and prioritize field projects and cost share availability.
- Minimize water delivery maintenance and improve fish passage through irrigation diversions.
- Streambank restorations to address erosion problems, improve river stability, protect structures and valuable Ag land and enhance wild trout habitat.
- Native riparian seeding, willow clumps and stakes complete the restoration process.
For further information, contact Joe Parsons, District Manager:

Rangeland Enhancement
- Annual planning with partner agencies to identify and prioritize field projects.
- Assist landowners with development and implementation of monitoring plans.
- Installation of wildlife friendly fencing. On-going identification of future fencing projects.
- Water development for beneficial use by both livestock and wildlife.
For further information, contact Garrett Pantle, Resource Specialist:

Land Use Planning
- Adopted and implementing a local long range land use and natural resource management plan to have a substantive impact on federal/state/county decisions, plans, policies, and programs. The plan is updated every five years.
- Take an active role in developing working relationships with many local, state, and federal agencies which impact the District.
- Participate as a cooperating agency in federal decision-making processes.
- Review, analyze, advocate, and comment on local, state and federal legislation, rules and regulations promulgated or revised that may have an effect on the District and its residents.
Click here for On-going Land Use Planning Information
For further information, contact Leanne Correll, Education/NEPA Coordinator: